Saturday, July 27, 2024
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Crowdfunding Campaigner

I have watched the development of crowdfunding over the past years and started Crowdfunding Campaigner Magazine as a personal project reviewing the specific areas of growth.

Having spent a year looking at defining the concept while watching the platforms take hold in the market my concern grew as they announced success rates were still low while the volume of campaigns continued to grow as do the number of platforms that enter the market.

In response to my concern and now having spent six months in development Crowdfunding Campaigner Magazine targets improving crowdfunding success rates by having contributors that have a similar passion as myself in crowdfunding as well as the general idea of seeing entrepreneurs and start-ups succeed through achieving the funds required to meet their goals.

I believe that we are going through exciting times with crowdfunding paving the way as the market is acknowledged globally and rules and regulations are being addressed to support this time of change and also referred to as disruption.

I thank my valued contributors for their patience and support and hope you enjoy the first issue and please feel free in providing feedback in support of the magazine and the future of crowdfunding – Colin Cesvette Founder & Managing Director

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Our Crowdfunding Campaigner Magazine contributor’s knowledge covers experience and awareness in emerging trends, laws, regulations and emerging markets. Their tone is strategic, professional, consultative and trusting, but also fun, inventive and sociable. Our overall focus is to publish content that is worth reading or watching – content which is relevant, inspiring and thoughtful.

As a member of Crowdfunding Campaigner Magazine your involvement will help to shape the future of funding locally and globally alongside experts, entrepreneurs start-ups and make a difference for all to see.

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Features, tips and insights, the latest news and crowdfunding campaign reviews held on a variety of crowdfunding websites. Our contributors share their knowledge, expertise and experience to help you in making your campaign a success.

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